Introductory Guy
Welcome to Design Thinking Games, a Gaming and User Experience podcast. Card carrying UXers Tim Broadwater and Michael Scofield examine the player experience of board games, pen and paper role playing games, live action games, and video games. Play through the backlog on your podcatcher of choice and on the web at
Michael Schofield
Hey, what’s up, everybody? We are coming in briefly, not with a real episode. But to sort of talk to you about what’s coming up for season two. We’ve put a bunch of things in place. We’re now grooming our episode ideas, and we just wanted to talk to you about it for a brief second, before our first real episode of the season comes out.
Tim Broadwater
Yeah, I think that’s good. One of the things I think people are going to notice is that our logo has changed. I think the logo, if season one was kind of a more Gothic horror…
Michael Schofield
I love it though.
Tim Broadwater
…kind of, and that’s if you listen to anything at season one, we were really hopped up on the horror and Gothic elements of like, a lot of games. But for season two, you’re gonna see that we change to kind of a space theme. Not that that means we’re gonna be talking about sci fi or space all season, but it may occur and pop up, reoccurringly.
Michael Schofield
Yeah, one of the things I I, I wonder or doubt whether or not any of our listeners like long term so far, like picked up on it. But we told a little bit of a narrative in the, in the descriptions of each of our podcasts. A kind of Middle Earth journey, so to speak. This season, we’re going to space.
Tim Broadwater
We are, in the very last season, the episode of last season, which was the Mass Effect, you know, Episode 17, we entered a castle and launched into space. And so that’s where our adventure will continue for episode one of Season Two.
Michael Schofield
Yeah, I feel like we’ve done a lot of stuff in the first season that were just that was just entertaining for us, and a lot of that is going to continue for season two, but we we really kind of pride ourselves on you know, the quality of the podcast, or and try to improve it. You know, we’re UXers by trade. And so for season two, after we proved to ourselves that we can maintain a cadence and we have a really good workflow for producing these podcasts, we’ve added a little bit of complexity to kind of help us keep this ship afloat.
Tim Broadwater
Yeah, I think people are gonna see that, you know, we have a new website. So if you visited our website, you know, during Season One, it was it was really just kind of the episodes and a little bit about us. However, we’ve kind of really expanded between season one and season two, the scope of the website and the design, and so there’s a lot of information there that I think listeners will find useful. I think the biggest new announcement that they’re gonna, people are gonna see in season two, the episodes will have advertising pre roll, mid roll and post roll advertising. And so that will be a little bit of a change. If you’ve listened to us in the past.
Michael Schofield
Our goal is not to do ads that suck, though, because nobody everyone skips past them. And so we’re going to try to do host read ads exclusively, and partner with things that we like that actually matter to the kind of audience we’re targeting that matter to us.
Tim Broadwater
If you’re interested, we actually have affordable, really cheap kind of slots. So other podcasts or game makers, you know, we can get your word out there as well. We have a decent listenership so far, and we’re only looking to grow. So if that’s something you’re interested in, you can head over to and there’s an advertise link, and you can kind of find more information about that there support us, we support other people, it’s a community where we support each other.
Michael Schofield
That’s right, we’re in it for the betterment of the community.
Tim Broadwater
You know, we’re gonna have ads that are from the tabletop role playing game community, the gaming and game development community, and then ads that are from followers and listeners, and so you UXers as well. But we have a Patreon, which is was there just a hey, help us out, you know, during season one, but for season two, it actually has all of these really cool tiers that have okay, if you subscribe and support us at different tiers, you can get ad free versions of our episodes or even early releases of the episodes that that are ad free as well, so you can get them kind of up to a week early. If you’re on some putting us on Patreon.
Michael Schofield
And to. And to our credit, the tears of our Patreon are hilarious. They are the best in the biz.
Tim Broadwater
Yeah, you should definitely check them out even if it’s just a see them. Because it’s super cool
Michael Schofield, you’ll see everything there.
Tim Broadwater
We’ve kind of also want to give you something for supporting us because we appreciate that we appreciate the gaming community and the UX community. So I think you’ll find there’s some neat things that you can get if you support us and back us there.
Michael Schofield
Speaking of we also have a newsletter that we made on, you can subscribe to our newsletter for different kinds of announcements, we’ll probably give stuff away. And there’ll be possibly different kinds of content that are out there, it’s not going to hit your inbox every week
Tim Broadwater
Design Thinking Games is going to kind of be similar to season one. And that, you know, we’re kind of gonna go March to November. So it’s nine months. And the newsletter, which is just kind of signups for now is forthcoming. And then we’re talking about doing that maybe every two or three months.
Michael Schofield
So lots of stuff coming. We’re going to be respectful of your time and get out of your ears. You should follo w us on Twitter @DTGamesPodcast,
Tim Broadwater
Our listeners can you know, engage with us and kind of follow us on… you know, we’re on the three T’s we’re on Twitch, TikTok, and Twitter…
Michael Schofield
Twitch is a big one that I forgot.
Tim Broadwater
Yeah. Yeah. And so I think if you pay attention to those this coming season, you’re going to see a little, you know, kind of a crescendo or uptick in the interactions and activity there. If you follow us there should be should be a lot of fun. And you’ll get to see kind of maybe, behind the curtain some of the stuff that we’re doing.
Michael Schofield
Lots of good stuff coming. Yeah, in fact, our first episode is going to be available to patrons on March 7th, and open to the general public with our dope-ass host-read ads on March 14. I think that’s it!
Introductory Guy
Thank you for listening to the Design Thinking Games podcast. You only have so much time and it means a lot you shared it with us. To connect with your hosts Michael or Tim, visit Design Thinking Games on TikTok, Twitch, or Twitter. DMs are open. You can also check out where you can request topics, ask questions or see what else is going on. Until next time, game on!